Friday, November 19, 2010

Library Cards and Sweet Potato Hunting

My Library Card
I had a good and busy week of work. I gave more private classes and had exhausting days at school. My last class of the week is after school to a group of teachers. We played the "Who am I?" game where you have the name of a celebrity on your forehead and you have to ask yes or no questions about the person to figure out who you are. It was really fun and funny - especially when I put Lady Gaga on the forehead of an old man, when the person who had Michael Jackson asked if he was black, and when the person who was Mickey Mouse asked if Walt Disney was his "father." It was a great success and very refreshing to not have to discipline anyone.

When I got back to Sevilla on Thursday, I went to the Sevilla Public Library to check out the books (pun intended). It has a decent little English section, mostly of older books. I took out The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which I will read after I finish my book in Spanish (which is incredibly fun to read). It has been getting easier and easier to read in Spanish and I'm understanding more and more. I got a library card which, for some reason, makes me feel like a real resident of this city.

On Monday, I booked a trip to Belgium with Julia for the days before I meet up with Brenna and Rosa. I have been dying to go to Bruges ever since I saw pictures of it and the movie, In Bruges. I am very excited, despite the fact that it will be much colder than here. Speaking of cold, Sevilla has gotten very chilly. I'm not okay with that, Andalucía. I do realize that my friends in the Northeast are suffering a lot more, but I'm trying to avoid that kind of weather by being here. Thankfully, I have a mother who is willing to send me my winter coat. I'm not sure I'll be fashionable here with a jacket fit for Boston, but at least I'll be warm.

We have an issue here in Sevilla. Harry Potter 7 is currently impossible to find in English! There is one theatre that will possibly offer it in the coming weeks, but I might have to wait until I'm in Madrid to see the epic film. I am jealous of all my friends from home whose Facebook statuses brag about how they saw it at midnight and just looooved it. I will find a way to see this movie, one way or another.

I am way too excited for the Thanksgiving dinners that I have coming up. One is on Saturday at Julie and Julia's casa and one is on the actual Thanksgiving Day. It is basically all we Americans have been talking about for a while now. I am proud to say that I will be bringing sweet potatoes - I have an adventure planned later today to go find these rarities in Spain. Hopefully they will have marshmallows too. Nothing can compare to the Thanksgiving dinner I've been accustomed to for the last 22 years of my life, but I'm sure I will not leave these dinners hungry. It will be great to get everyone together too. I really miss my family, but I have a feeling I won't be too sad in the company of my friends here. Now I'm off to start this food hunt and cooking. Of course, there will be more dancing this weekend, but we'll see if I can make it to the clubs after our Thanksgiving meal.

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