My return to Sevilla was bittersweet...mostly bitter. It was nice to relax after so much traveling (although I am convinced I could have gone forever), but I have been hit with a big bout of homesickness. I think that's what happens when I spend a month with friends and family from America and then they are all disappear. Besides being slightly depressed, I have caught up with friends about their vacations, seen two movies, and enjoyed walking around Sevilla. It also is reassuring that I'm not the only one who is seems to have hit a lot of us. Hopefully that will all turn around soon, as I have a lot to look forward to on this side of the New Year: traveling, more friends visiting, longer days, springtime, and eventually returning to the homeland.
Yesterday, while walking on a main street in the center, I heard someone call my name. I assumed it was one of my friends from here, but I turned around and it was my friend, Mitchell, who is still studying at Tufts but is here on vacation with his family. I don't know how this always happens to me, but I can't go anywhere without running into people I know. It is such a tiny world.
I am even more excited because tomorrow night I am flying off to London!! I am going with Rebecca and we are visiting our friend Erica from Tufts. Her family lives in London near Abbey Road so we are gratefully crashing at her house and getting led around the tourist hotspots of the city. I also found out at lunch yesterday that four teachers from my school are also on my flight there. Random but fun! I was in London many many years ago but I am excited to un-London fog my memory. We will have a wonderful girls' weekend together! It is a bit sad that we are leaving Sevilla this weekend because it is perfect weather here, but at least we're not going to the snow-covered Northeast. It's a shame my school can't enjoy the glory of Snow Days.
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